Art Reproductions
Capturing high-resolution images is the start of artwork reproduction. These files are professionally processed to closely match your original; a small proof print is made for your approval. A variety of papers are available for final prints: fine-art rag, watercolor, archival fiber-based photo, canvas and satin cloth. All these papers are of archival quality and often referred to as “Giclée”.
Once the file has been set up for a particular size and the first print made, a reduced pricing schedule goes into effect for additional prints, which we term Print-Ready. River City Silver keeps your files in our archives, so reorders are as simple as a phone call or email. We can write the file(s) to a CD or DVD for a minimal charge at the time of your order or write to your USB device etc. YOU own the file to use as you please.
Image capture from artwork up to 30×40″ – includes production time for matching and a 9×11″ paper proof: $75.00
*Additional charge may be required for bulky frames, highly varnished paintings, difficult colors, retouching, etc. We will notify you at order entry or if an issue comes up in the capture phase. $90 per hour depending on the nature of the issue.
Optimal Reproduction
Be aware that some pigments and dyes are very problematic in reproduction, specifically metallic paints, or those containing certain minerals, i.e., cadmium red, cobalt blue, aquamarine, gold and silver leaf and “day-glow” colors. If you are creating the artwork with selling the reproductions as the main purpose, select your color palette accordingly.
Have us perform the capture stage before you do a final varnish on your paintings. This helps dramatically in minimizing unwanted reflections and keeps the price of capture down.
Pastels need to be sprayed with a fixative before bringing them in. We handle all orders carefully, but unfixed pastels are asking for trouble.
Lab Hours:
Monday through Thursday only
9 AM to 1 PM
Closed Friday through Sunday
Available for appointments:
Monday through Friday
9 AM to 6 PM
Saturday 9 AM to Noon
Summer Break:
August 1 – September 3
Christmas Break:
December 24 through January 5
Return Monday January 6, 2025
River City Silver
324 Melrose Place
San Antonio, Texas 78212
To view map click here
(210) 734-2020